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The way we operate in the mining industry is evolving at a rapid pace. From designing economically viable mines for complex ore bodies, to running the digital race and keeping up with new technology, the pressure is on to develop a highly skilled workforce that can deliver the necessary needs of the industry.

While academic institutions provide the foundation for our future workforce, the more immediate requirement for each company is to provide practical upskilling opportunities which would ensure the success and long-term sustainability for the organisation and the industry. As a long-term strategy, organisations should work with academic institutions to identify the future capability gaps, then modify and design a suitable learning and development path for the next generation.

According to Rashnee Chetty, Group Technical and Business Improvement Manager at Minopex, a DRA Global Group company, organisation and graduates need to commit to learning and development after academic studies to drive the evolution of the workforce. Most engineering academics are taught according to steady state laws, perfect theoretical scenarios and are given the perception that time is irrelevant. Furthermore, it is based on the 2nd Industrial Revolution framework. In business and with the 4th Industrial Revolution in mind, this is the furthest from reality. We now find ourselves in a fast-paced, quick decision-making and constantly changing society, which requires leadership, critical thinking, creativity, interpersonal and empathy skills.   

An interesting quote by Alvin Toffler, still very much relevant today, states that: The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. This view is indeed relevant in the sense that the current workforce will need to obtain skills and education to ensure the success of future industries and must be agile enough to obtain in demand skills and experience.

Enter the Minopex Engineer in Training Programme

Minopex, understand the learning and development needs of today and the future. We have developed and implemented a programme that motivates employees to unlock their full potential, while cementing the power of a values-based culture.